The Sooner The Better…


When we come to a certain age, in other words as we slow down in life with grownup kids and grandchildren to spoil, it seems that we are done with it all and life will go on as it is with its usual ups and downs. 

The way in which we live our lives, treat our bodies determines our well being and how much we get out of life, my father used to say when I was a teenager. 

No matter how much we try, how well we take care of ourselves, sometimes we can not avoid things that change our lives. 

I am normally a person who takes care of his health. Since my youth I used to jog every morning and this habit of mine went on for years and years. My wife and I, we take care of ourselves taking long walks whenever we can especially at the weekends spending time in nature. As we are responsible for our health along with many things in life, we try to do our best for it. We exercise regularly, we eat healthy and so but occasionally when we are with our children we can break our habits, our diet. While eating those burgers we feel happy but afterwards feel guilty about it actually. The following days, I find my wife dancing in the kitchen while she is cooking, trying to burn the extra calories.  

There is something missing or wrong in what we do and sometimes we over do things to ruin all the effort. Talking about being healthy and all, during the ‘corona’ virus period, I got effected by the virus and the process I experienced was very tough. Most of the time with heavy coughing and high temperature, it took a while for me to get back to normal life. After some time, I got well enough to go on a vacation with my family and spent nearly a month in our summer house in the southern part of Türkiye. It felt good for all of us. 

Holidays passed and we all got back to our routines, the grownups to work and the little ones to school. I used to work for long hours when I was climbing the stairs at work, going on business trips most of the time and worked very hard as a young man and now it was time to slow down. I could work at home, control things from there but I still preferred to be seen in person from time to time. After my online meetings and all, we usually had supper at seven o’clock . We’d talk about how we spent our day with my wife, about the kids usually and after dinner I’d read the papers while enjoying my herbal tea. Apparently other than the corona, there were other virus types spreading around the world and many people died already. People were tired of staying at home, many of us stopped wearing masks for precaution as if everything was okay. I was tired of reading and talking about similar things and skipped the sports news. 

Everything was doing well until nearly the end of the year. One morning I started coughing terribly again. "I think I’ve got the virus again, it should be the new type." I said to my wife. We went to the hospital to find out the cause of my cough. During the checkup it turned out that I had a serious problem with my lungs. Later on I was told that I had cancer. We didn’t expect this. How could it be? What is going to happen now? my family, my friends and I, we all wondered.

"Accepting the situation we are in and adapting to the process is the best thing to do to go on with our lives." I heard my father saying once to his sister while she was getting divorced. At the end of the day we are responsible for our choices and behaviours. "What will be will be." He went on saying…     

Remembering all he said really helped to accept my illness and get adapted to the process faster. 

After all, the sooner the better I said to my wife…


The thing that mankind has been most curious about since its existence is “What is the truth?” has been a question. Since he needs the truth in order to live and understand his life correctly, he always wants to find the truth, to hear the truth, to learn the truth.

Finding the truth is not that difficult. It is possible to reach real information by passing the experiences of people who have lived in the past through the consistency test.

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  1. Has been A lot to learn, to realise.. and a lot to be thankful to, thanks to EDT, so thanks edt:)


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